Photos shown were taken in 2013 by Gerhard Huber. He kindly made them available to the Austria-Forum.
Fotografiert 2013 und dem Austria-Forum freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von Gerhard Huber.
Debrak (1)
Preparing Injera
Debrak (2)
Girl (1)
Children (1)
Girl (2)
- Children (2)
- Children (3)
- Debrak (3)
- Debrak (4)
- Debrak (5)
- Debrak (6)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (1)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (2)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (3)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (4)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (5)
- Debrak - Weekly Market; Flat Iron
- Debrak - Weekly Market (6)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (7)
- Child (1)
- Child (2)
- Debrak - Weekly Market (8)
- Simien Mountains (1)
- Simien Mountains (2)
- Simien Mountains - Road
- Simien Mountains - Road Works (1)
- Simien Mountains - Road Works (2)
- Simien Mountains - Road Works (3)
- Simien Mountains (3)
- Simien Mountains (4)
- Simien Mountains (5)
- Simien Mountains (6)
- Simien Mountains - Baobab (1)
- Hyena
- Simien Mountains - Baobab (2)
- Simien Mountains - Baobab (3)
- Simien Mountains (7)
- Children (4)
- Children (5)
- Children (6)
- Sheep
- Landscape near Silasie (1)
- Landscape near Silasie (2)
- Landscape near Axum (1)
- Landscape near Axum (2)
- The Legend of the Queen of Sheba
- Makeda
- The Queen of Sheba
- The Queen of Sheba and Solomon
- Bibel
- Dongur Palace (1)
- Dongur Palace (2)
- Dongur Palace (3)
- Dongur Palace (4)
- Gudit Stelae Field (1)
- Gudit Stelae Field (2)
- Quarry of Gobedra (1)
- Quarry of Gobedra (2)
- Lioness of Gobedra
- Gobedra - Cactus
- Gobedra - Cactuses (1)
- Gobedra - Cactuses (2)
- Gobedra - Cactuses (3)
- Axum - Watchman
- Ezana Stone (1)
- Ezana Stone (2)
- Tomb of Gebre Mesqel (1)
- Tomb of Gebre Mesqel (2)
- Tomb of Gebre Mesqel (3)
- Queen of Sheba's Bath (1)
- Queen of Sheba's Bath (2)
- Axum
- Axum - House (1)
- Axum - House (2)
- Axum - Sesame Mill
- Axum - Clothes Market (1)
- Axum - Clothes Market (2)
- Axum - Market (1)
- Water Bottles
- Axum - Furniture Market (1)
- Axum - Furniture Market (2)
- Axum - Blacksmith
- Axum - Market (2)
- Northern Stelae Park
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 34
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 34; Top
- Northern Stelae Park - Offering Table
- Northern Stelae Park - Owl
- Northern Stelae Park - Tomb with False Door (1)
- Northern Stelae Park - Tomb with False Door (2)
- Northern Stelae Park - Tomb with False Door (3)
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 1 (1)
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 1 (2)
- Transport of a Stela
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 1; Tombs
- Northern Stelae Park - Stelae 2 and 3 (1)
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 2 (1)
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 2 (2)
- Northern Stelae Park - Stela 2 (3)
- Northern Stelae Park - Stelae 2 and 3 (2)
- King Ezana
- Fresco
- Fresco - Christians
- New Cathedral of St Mary of Zion
- New Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Cross
- New Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Inside
- New Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Bibel (1)
- New Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Bibel (2)
- New Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Bibel (3)
- Emperor Menelik
- Ark of the Covenant
- Treasury for the Ark of the Covenant
- Old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion (1)
- Old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion (2)
- Old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Fresco (1)
- Old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Fresco (2)
- Old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion - Pilgrim
- Pilgrims (1)
- Pilgrim (1)
- Pilgrims (2)
- Pilgrim (2)
- Pilgrims (3)
- Pilgrims (4)
- Monk (1)
- Monk (2)
- Monk (3)
- Monk (4)
- Axum - Old Town (1)
- Axum - Old Town (2)
- Axum - Old Town; Rooster
- Axum - Old Town (3)
- Axum - Old Town (4)
- Axum - Old Town (5)
- Axum - Old Town; Resident
- Axum - Old Town (6)
- Axum - Old Town (7)
- Axum - Old Town; Children (1)
- Axum - Old Town; Children (2)
- Axum - Old Town; Child (1)
- Axum - Old Town; Child (2)
- Axum - Old Town; Child (3)
- Axum - Old Town; Child (4)
- Axum - Old Town; Pilgrim (1)
- Axum - Old Town; Pilgrims (1)
- Axum - Old Town; Pilgrim (2)
- Axum - Old Town; Pilgrims (2)