Photos shown were taken in 2012 by Gerhard Huber. He kindly made them available to the Austria-Forum.
Fotografiert 2012 und dem Austria-Forum freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von Gerhard Huber.
Ephesus - Mass Tourism
House of the Virgin Mary (1)
House of the Virgin Mary (2)
House of the Virgin Mary (3)
House of the Virgin Mary - Fountain
House of the Virgin Mary - Wishing Wall (1)
- House of the Virgin Mary - Wishing Wall (2)
- Basilica of St. John (1)
- Basilica of St. John (2)
- Basilica of St. John (3)
- Basilica of St. John (4)
- Basilica of St. John (5)
- Basilica of St. John (6)
- Basilica of St. John (7)
- İsa Bey Mosque (1)
- İsa Bey Mosque (2)
- İsa Bey Mosque (3)
- İsa Bey Mosque (4)
- İsa Bey Mosque; Inside
- Model of the Temple of Artemis
- Temple of Artemis (1)
- Temple of Artemis (2)
- Temple of Artemis (3)
- Temple of Artemis - Stork's Nest
- Mass Tourism on Curetes Street
- Curetes Street (1)
- Odeon (1)
- Odeon (2)
- Odeon (3)
- Odeon (4)
- Odeon (5)
- Curetes Street (2)
- Curetes Street (3)
- Prytaneum
- Trajan Fountain (1)
- Trajan Fountain (2)
- Curetes Street - Mosaic
- Public Toilets (1)
- Public Toilets (2)
- Curetes Street - Waymarker
- Brothel
- Terrace Houses (1)
- Terrace Houses (2)
- Terrace Houses (3)
- Terrace Houses (4)
- Terrace Houses (5)
- Terrace Houses (6)
- Terrace Houses - Mosaics (1)
- Terrace Houses - Fresco
- Terrace Houses - Mosaics (2)
- Terrace Houses - Mosaics (3)
- Library of Celsus (1)
- Library of Celsus (2)
- Library of Celsus (3)
- Library of Celsus (4)
- Library of Celsus (5)
- Library of Celsus - Arete
- Library of Celsus - Sophia
- Library of Celsus - Ennoia
- Library of Celsus - Episteme
- Gate of Augustus
- Agora
- Sarcophagi
- Theatre (1)
- Theatre (2)
- Theatre (3)
- Theatre (4)
- Arcadian Street (1)
- Arcadian Street (2)