Site of Palmyra#
Photos shown were taken in 2009 by Gerhard Huber, i.e. before the war. He kindly made them available to the Austria-Forum. German texts by Gerhard Huber, translation by Elisabeth Ertl
Fotografiert 2009 vor den Kriegswirren und dem Austria-Forum freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von Gerhard Huber.
Street to Palmyra
Landscape near Palmyra
Camels (1)
Camels (2)
- Bagdad Cafe (1)
- Bagdad Cafe (2)
- Bagdad Cafe (3)
- Bagdad Cafe (4)
- Trulli (1)
- Trulli (2)
- Trulli inside
- Bedouin tent
- Hen
- Palmyra Ort
- Zenobia Hotel
- Zenobia Hotel Lobby
- Sunrise over the Tetrapylon at Palmyra (1)
- Sunrise over the Tetrapylon at Palmyra (2)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra'
- Palmyra (1)
- Palmyra (2)
- Palmyra (3)
- Palmyra (4)
- Grass
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (1)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (2)
- Fort Ibn Maan (1)
- Fort Ibn Maan (2)
- Palmyra (5)
- Petra (Jordan)
- Temple of Baalshamin (1)
- Temple of Baalshamin (2)
- Temple of Baal (1)
- Reliefs at the Temple of Baal (1)
- Entrance to the Temple of Baal
- Temple of Baal (2)
- Reliefs at the Temple of Baal (2)
- Detail of a relief at the Temple of Baal
- Inside of the Temple of Baal
- Baal
- Temple of Baal (3)
- Temple of Baal (4)
- Temple of Baal (5)
- Valley of Tombs (1)
- Valley of Tombs (2)
- Valley of Tombs (3)
- Tower of Elahbel
- Inside of the Tower of Elahbel (1)
- Inside of the Tower of Elahbel (2)
- Three Brothers Tomb
- Inside of the Three Brother Tomb (1)
- Inside of the Three Brothers Tomb (2)
- Monumental arch (1)
- Monumental arch (2)
- Ceiling of the monumental arch
- Monumental arch (3)
- Grand Colonnade of Palmyra (3)
- Grand Colonnade of Palmyra (4)
- Grand Colonnade of Palmyra (5)
- Roman Theatre at Palmyra (1)
- Roman Theatre at Palmyra (2)
- Roman Theatre at Palmyra (3)
- Roman Theatre at Palmyra (4)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (6)
- Agora at Palmyra (1)
- Agora at Palmyra (2)
- Tetrapylon at Palmyra (1)
- Tetrapylon at Palmyra (2)
- Tetrapylon at Palmyra (3)
- Grabd Colonnade at Palmyra (7)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (8)
- Funerary Temple
- Camp of Diocletian (1)
- Camp of Diocletian (2)
- Palmyra (6)
- Temple of Bel (6)
- Palmyra (7)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (9)
- Funerary Temple at Palmyra (1)
- Funerary Temple at Palmyra (2)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (10)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (11)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (12)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (13)
- Tetrapylon at Palmyra (4)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (14)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (15)
- Agora at Palmyra (3)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (16)
- Syrian family
- Tetrapylon at Palmyra (5)
- Tetrapylon at Palmyra (6)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (17)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (18)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (19)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (20)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (21)
- Monumental arch at Palmyra (1)
- Monumental arch at Palmyra (2)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (22)
- Grand Colonnade at Palmyra (23)
- Sunset at Palmyra (1)
- Sunset at Palmyra (2)
- Sunset at Palmyra (3)
- Sunset at Palmyra (4)
- Sunset at Palmyra (5)
- Sunset at Palmyra (6)
- Palmyra at night (1)
- Palmyra at night (2)
- Palmyra at night Nacht (3)
- Palmyra at night (4)
- Palmyra at night (5)
- Palmyra at night (6)