Landscape near Enciso#

Landscape near Enciso
Landscape near Enciso, July 2013, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu

Very, very long time before the pilgrims much weightier beings left their tracks in the dried-out marshes of Rioja. Around the village of Enciso Spain, Enciso researchers discovered 5000 enormous footprints, the richest archaeological site of its kind in all of Europe.
Schon sehr, sehr lange Zeit vor den Jakobspilgern hinterließen viel gewichtigere Wesen ihre Spuren in den ausgetrockneten Sümpfen der Rioja. Rund um das Örtchen Enciso Spanien, Enciso entdeckten Forscher 5000 mächtige Abdrücke, die ergiebigste Fundstätte ihrer Art in ganz Europa.