Photos shown were taken in 2014 by Stefanie Gölles. She kindly made them available to the Austria-Forum.
Fotografiert 2014 und dem Austria-Forum freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von Stefanie Gölles.
Medan - Masjid Raya Al Mashun, the Great Mosque of Medan
Medan - Masjid Raya Al Mashun (1)
Medan - Masjid Raya Al Mashun (2)
Medan - Masjid Raya Al Mashun (3)
Medan - Masjid Raya Al Mashun (4)
Medan - Maimun Palace, the Sultan's Palace
- Medan - Maimun Palace (1)
- Medan - Maimun Palace (2)
- Medan - Maimun Palace, Park
- Multicoloured Bougainvillea
- Palm Oil Plantation
- The Crop (1)
- The Crop (2)
- The Crop (3)
- Rubber Trees
- Workers in the Rubber Plantation
- Lake Toba
- Lake Toba - Samosir Island (1)
- Megalithic Stone Settings
- Ancestors' Monument
- Giant Christ's Thorn
- Lake Tobasee - Evening Mood
- Lake Toba - Samosir Island (2)
- Traditional Dance Performance (1)
- Traditional Dance Performance (2)
- Traditional Dance Performance (3)
- Memorial to King Raja Moga
- Pemantang Purba
- Beautiful Red Blossom
- Open-Air Museum (1)
- Open-Air Museum (2)
- Marvellously Carved and Painted Column (1)
- Marvellously Carved and Painted Column (2)
- Waterfall Air Terjun Sipisopiso
- Karo Village Dokan
- Dokan - Girl
- Dokan - Inside a Karo House
- Dokan Inside a Karo House
- Berastagi - Catholic Church consecrated to St Francis of Assisi (1)
- Berastagi - Catholic Church consecrated to St Francis of Assisi (2)
- Beautiful Orange Blossom
- From Pandang to Bukittinggi
- Manioc Chips Production (1)
- Manioc Chips Production (2)
- Manioc Chips Production (3)
- Harau Valley, Sandstone Massif
- Wild Orchids
- Rural Workers
- Drying Cinnamon Bark
- Modern Rice Harvesting (1)
- Modern Rice Harvesting (2)
- Planting Rice (1)
- Planting Rice (2)
- Schoolchildren on their Way Home
- Modern Coffee Roastery (1)
- Modern Coffee Roastery (2)
- Padang - Minangkabau House (1)
- Padang - Minangkabau House (2)
- Padang - Minangkabau House (3)
- Padang - Minangkabau House (4)
- Drying Cloves on the Street
- Batusangkar - Pagaruyung Royal Palace (1)
- Batusangkar - Pagaruyung Royal Palace (2)
- Batusangkar - Pagaruyung Royal Palace (3)
- Batusangkar - Pagaruyung Royal Palace (4)
- Bridal Gown
- Adjoining Buildings
- Bukittinggi - Fort de Kock
- Bukittinggi - Museum of Popular Art (1)
- Bukittinggi - Museum of Popular Art (2)
- Bukittinggi - Clocktower, the Town's Landmark
- Bukittinggi - Istana Bung Hatta (1)
- Bukittinggi - Istana Bung Hatta (2)
- Ngarei Sianok Canyon (1)
- Ngarei Sianok Canyon (2)
- Koto Gadang - Mosque
- Koto Gadang - Traditional House (1)
- Koto Gadang - Traditional House (2)