Volubilis - Arch of Caracalla#

Volubilis - Arch of Caracalla, April 2013, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu
A triumphal arch dedicated to Emperor Caracalla welcomes the visitors. Volubilis had about 20,000 inhabitants and offered everything that made up the luxury of a Roman metropolis: a statehouse, the forum, a temple, a basilica, spas, theatres and splendid boulevards.
Ein Kaiser Caracalla gewidmeter Triumphbogen begrüßt die Besucher. Volubilis hatte etwa 20.000 Einwohner und bot alles, was den Luxus einer römischen Metropole ausmachte: Kapitol, Forum, Tempel, Basilika, Thermen, Theater und Prachtbboulevards.