Landscape near Zakros#

Landscape near Zakros, September 2013, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu
Der Südosten Kretas ist die wärmste Region der Insel mit wüstenähnlichen Landschaften, über die schon ein Hauch von Afrika weht.
Abseits des Massentourismus findet man im Südosten der Insel aber auch imposante Schluchten, wenig überlaufene Hafenstädtchen, kilometerlange Kiesstrände und viel beschauliches Leben.
Zakros, Crete
contains ruins from the Minoan civilization. It probably was one of the four main administrative centers of the Minoans, and its protected harbor and strategic location made it an important commercial hub for trade to the east.
The town was dominated by the Palace of Zakro, originally built around 1900 BC, rebuilt around 1600 BC, and destroyed around 1450 BC along with the other major centers of Minoan civilization. Extensive ruins of the palace remain, and are a popular tourist destination.