White Tower#

White Tower, June 2011, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu
The White Tower, once part of the city wall, is one of best known land marks of the city. In the 15 th century Sultan Mahmud ordered the execution of one of his elite troups that dared to stage a revolt. As a result, the tower was called "blood-tower" afterwards. To make sure that the horrible execution would be forgotten, a later Osmanic sultan decided to have the tower painted white.
Das markante Wahrzeichen der Metropole, der Weiße Turm, war einst Bestandteil der Stadtmauer. Im 15. Jahrhundert ließ Sultan Mahmud hier seine rebellierende Elitetruppe hinrichten. Danach erhielt das Bauwerk den Namen „Blutturm“. Um die Tat vergessen zu machen, ließ ein späterer osmanischer Sultan das Gebäude kurzerhand weiß streichen.