Monschau - „Rotes Haus“#

The historic town center has many preserved half-timbered houses and narrow streets have remained nearly unchanged for 300 years, making the town a popular tourist attraction nowadays. An open-air, classical music festival is staged annually at Burg Monschau.
Built in 1768 as a duplex residence by Johann Heinrich Scheibler, a successful businessman who had brought the town's cloth industry to full bloom. This mansion also served as manufacturing facility. Its masterpiece is its three-floor wooden staircase.
Erbaut im Jahre 1768 als Doppelwohnhaus von Johann Heinrich Scheibler, einem erfolgreichen Geschäftsmann, der die Monschauer Tuchindustrie zur höchsten Blüte gebracht hatte. Dieses Bürgerhaus war auch gleichzeitig Produktionsstätte. Sein Glanzstück ist die durch drei Etagen führende Holztreppe.