Quinault Lake#
This picture shows the park that belongs to Quinault Lake Lodge, including a beautiful lake-side beach. However, the lake is located in Indian territory and they do not allow the lake to be used by anyone but themselves. It is really ridiculous that for ordinary persons the lake is off limits for swimming, boating and fishing... and it is surprising that citizens tolerate this. Why don't they in exchange make all other lakes off-limits for Indians?
Das Foto zeigt den Park, der zum Quinault Lake Lodge gehört, das auch einen schönen Seestrand hat. Der See liegt aber im Indianerreservat und die Indianer erlauben nicht, dass den See irgendwer außer ihnen benützt: man fühlt sich also voll gefrotzelt, weil man weder schwimmen noch mit einem Boot fahren noch fischen darf!