Cape Town - St. George's Cathedral#
In its current form St.George's Cathedral was built by the South African Architect Sir Herbert Baker in Victorian style using sandstone from the table mountain. In the interior the many examples of leadlighting by Gabriel Loire from Chatres, the rosetta from F. Spear and the sculptures of Neil Black are particularly interesting. The church was also used as sanctuary for people of all races protesting against the apartheid policy. Archbishop Desmond Tutu was leading such mass demonstrations in 1989 .
Die St. George's Kathedrale, in der heutigen Form, wurde im klassischen viktorianischen (neugotischen) Stil aus Sandstein des Tafelbergs 1901 vom südafrikanischen Architekten Sir Herbert Baker erbaut. Im Inneren der Kathedrale fallen die vielen bunten Bleiverglasungen von Gabriel Loire aus Chartres, die Rosette von F. Spear und die Steinmetzarbeiten von Neil Black. Die Kirche war auch Zufluchtsort der Demonstrierenden aller Rassen gegen die Apartheidpolitik. Erzbischof Desmond Tutu leitete 1989 die Massendemonstrationen.
St. Davids Chapel
Stand of Colours
Side Entrance
- Organ Loft
- Black Madonna
- Pulpit
- Figure
- St. George
- Stained-Glass Window (1)
- Stained-Glass Window (2)
- Stained-Glass Window (3)
- Stained-Glass Window (4)
- Stained-Glass Window (5)
- Stained-Glass Window (6)
- Stained-Glass Window (7)
- Stained-Glass Window (8)
- Stained-Glass Window (9)
- Stained-Glass Window (10)
- Stained-Glass Window (11)
- Stained-Glass Window (12)
- Stained-Glass Window (13)
- Stained-Glass Window (14)
- Stained-Glass Window (15)
Quellen #
- MERIANmomente: Kapstadt, Winelands Gardenroute.
- Kirchenführer der St. George's Cathedral