Did you know this about Sierra Leone?#

Did you know that Sierra Leone is very low in ranking among 193 countries in the following 8 respects.
  1. Airports - with paved runways - : 1.0 (Rank 188).
  2. Physicians density - physicians/1,000 population: 0.02 (Rank 187).
  3. Hospital bed density - beds/1,000 population: 0.4 (Rank 182).
  4. Mothers mean age at first birth - years: 19.0 (Rank 126).
  5. Internet users - : 14,900 (Rank 181).
  6. Electricity - production per capita - KWh: 25.24 (Rank 182).
  7. Electricity - consumption per capita - KWh: 23.49 (Rank 185).
  8. % Internet users - : 0.26 (Rank 187).