Former Residence of the Governor#

Former Residence of the Governor, December 2012, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu
The secular Addis has also little to offer, including the former Italian governor's residence from the period of its occupation in the 1930s. In front of it stands the favourite car of Emperor Haile Selassie. Next door, the National Museum takes us 3.2 million years back into the past, when Lucy still lived here.
Das weltliche Addis hat ebenfalls nur wenig zu bieten, darunter die ehemalige italienische Gouverneursresidenz aus der Besatzungszeit in den 1930er Jahren. Davor thront das Lieblingsauto von Kaiser Haile Selassie. Gleich daneben entführt das Nationalmuseum 3,2 Millionen Jahre in die Vergangenheit, als hier noch Lucy lebte.