On the way to Ghanzi#

On the way to Ghanzi
On the way to Ghanzi, July 2012, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu

Endless, dead straight roads are leading to the district capital Ghanzi Botswana, Ghanzi that - despite modern infrastructure - cannot hide its dusty Wild West atmosphere. Approximately 10,000 people live in the sprawling village, that owes its modest prosperity to the cattle ranches around it.
Endlose, schnurgerade Straßen führen bis in die Distrikt-Hauptstadt Ghanzi Botswana, Ghanzi , die ihre staubige Wildwest-Atmosphäre trotz moderner Infrastruktur nicht verbergen kann. Etwa 10.000 Einwohner leben in dem weitläufigen Dorf, das seinen bescheidenen Wohlstand den Rinderfarmen ringsum verdankt.