
The capital and largest city is Harare. The British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes first demarcated the present territory during the 1890s; it became the self-governing British colony of Southern Rhodesia in 1923. In 1965, the conservative white minority government unilaterally declared independence as Rhodesia. The state endured international isolation and a 15-year guerrilla war with black nationalist forces; this culminated in a peace agreement that established universal enfranchisement and de jure sovereignty in April 1980.

The country then rejoined the Commonwealth of Nations (later suspended in 2003), and became a member of the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

  • Zimbabwe is a land locked country.
  • Zimbabwe has largest boundary with Mozambique which is approximately 1231 km.
  • Zimbabwe has shortest boundary with South Africa which is approximately 225 km.
  • The largest river in Zimbabwe is Zambezi which is 2690 km.
  • The largest export partner of Zimbabwe is China.
  • The largest import partner of Zimbabwe is South.
  • There are 4 seaports in Zimbabwe.

Surprising facts about Nobel Prize winners#

  1. Zimbabwe has only 1 Nobel Prize winner Albert John Lutuli. (Counting winners if born in Zimbabwe)

Tourist Attraction#

Mile-wide Victoria Falls is a breathtaking backdrop for two ultralights in flight.

National Facts#

  • The national bird of Zimbabwe is African fish eagle.
  • Flame Lily is the national flower of Zimbabwe
  • The famous dishe of Zimbabwe is Sadza.
African Fish, Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC
African Fish
Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC


  1. Text marked as italic is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwe unter CC