Most people in the country are Muslim, with the majority being Sunni.
Due to the instability, violence, and protracted lack of a permanent central authority, Somalia also topped the Failed States Index (FSI) between 2008 and 2013.
- Somalia has largest boundary with Ethiopia which is approximately 1600 km.
- Somalia has shortest boundary with Djibouti which is approximately 58 km.
- The largest river in Somalia is Jubba which is 1580 km.
- The largest export partner of Somalia is UAE.
- The largest import partner of Somalia is Djibouti.
- There are 5 seaports in Somalia.
Tourist Attraction#
Nomadic and seminomadic herders still make up a large part of Somalia's population.National Facts#
- The national animal of Somalia is Leopard.
- The famous dance of Somalia is Dhaanto.

- Text marked as italic is taken from unter CC