
It is the world's second largest producer of bauxite, and has rich deposits of diamonds and gold.

  • Guinea has largest boundary with Mali which is approximately 858 km.
  • Guinea has shortest boundary with Senegal which is approximately 330 km.
  • The largest river in Guinea is Niger River which is 4180 km.
  • The largest export partner of Guinea is India.
  • The largest import partner of Guinea is China.
  • There are 5 seaports in Guinea.

Tourist Attraction#

Guineans rally for Lansana Conté, the nation's second president, who died in 2008.

National Facts#

The national dish of Guinea is Fufu.
Fufu, Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC
Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC


  1. Text marked as italic is taken from unter CC