Did you know this about Guinea-Bissau?#

Did you know that Guinea-Bissau is very low in ranking among 193 countries in the following 8 respects.
  1. Life expectancy at birth - years: 49.87 (Rank 189).
  2. Electricity - production - KWh: 67,000,000 (Rank 182).
  3. Electricity - consumption - KWh: 62,310,000 (Rank 182).
  4. Electricity - installed generating capacity - KW: 26,000 (Rank 180).
  5. Imports - $: 206,400,000 (Rank 184).
  6. Telephones - main lines in use - : 5,000 (Rank 187).
  7. Electricity - consumption per capita - KWh: 36.8 (Rank 180).
  8. Imports per capita - $: 121.89 (Rank 185).