Professor Dr. Ewald Judt#

Sundial in Vienna
© Ewald Judt, October 31, 2013
© Ewald Judt, October 31, 2013
Afterwards active in various positions in the banking sector. From 1980 on CEO of Eurocard and sucessor Europay Austria and Paylife Bank. Retired end of 2011 to other active tasks!
After his Ph.D. he taught and conducted research at his Alma Mater. He was President of the Finacialmarketingunion 2002 till 2005 and before and there after its Vicepresident.
He is Editor/Member of the Editorial Board of the "International Journal of Marketing", of the Journals “bank und markt” and “Karten-cards-cartes” and “Financial Services Management”.
Among his hobbies are travel and photography, including the project to completely document Vienna. An Example is shown to the right!